Spring Network Meeting 2024
Wednesday April 24th, 2024
Via Zoom
Our spring network meeting was attended by 18 people. We discussed some updates to our resources, station equipment upgrades, and plans for the rest of the season and beyond. We announced that we will be organizing a Flow Regatta planned for later this year (July 2024, exact date TBD). Stay tuned for more information on this event!
We discussed the theme of flow data to action and attendees shared information on different projects they have planned in their streams for the coming year, how their monitoring goals or objectives may have changed since they began monitoring, and ideas on what initiatives they are most interested in using flow data to inform going forward.
Fish passage and habitat enhancement were common aspects of projects that folks shared, as well as outreach and advocacy objectives. Increasing the awareness of efforts undertaken by the Community Flow Monitoring Network to different levels of government and other organizations that work in water monitoring was also mentioned as an important step to continue progressing.
We also received a presentation from Provincial hydrometric specialist Jon Jeffery. Jon gave an overview of the data review process, an update on the current progress of the review and publication of Flow Network station data, and a tutorial on how to access publicly available data on Aquarius using the WebPortal (https://aqrt.nrs.gov.bc.ca/).
Jon stressed the importance of taking comprehensive field notes and site photos to aid in the data review (“cooking”) process.
He also gave an overview of how to use expanded rating tables to check your measured discharge values against the discharge expected by on your station’s rating curve at your observed stage (or vice versa – i.e., check your measured stage against the predicted stage based on the discharge you measured).
View slides from the meeting here: 2024 Spring Meeting Slides
As always, thanks so much to everyone who took the time to attend this meeting, and a big thank you to those who also took the time to speak!
Links to follow:
- UBC Salmon Dialogues – Events on Vancouver Island:
- West Coast Region Low Streamflow Report:
BC River Forecast Centre:
Pacific Data Stream (new hub for water quality data):